Metacon stores and transmits digital assets more securely. Meet the organized wallet through PSJGlobal's unique
blockchain technology! Metacon has its own swap function within the app. Through that function, you can apply for
DreamsCT games that only Metacon provides. Everyone’s hope and everyone’s wallet, Metacon.

Main Contents

Easy and
convenient wallet

swap system

DreamsCT game
Quick and easy swap
Quick swap trades are available with our user-friendly interfaces

Decentralized wallet
Metacon wallet applies a distributed storage solution that manages digital assets in a new way that has never been experienced before

No manipulation
It is impossible to manipulate
by applying the same
winning number as the lottery
of the Korean lottery ticket.
100% winning probability
Golden Round is held every
other week.
Gambling prevention
Participation is limited
to a price setting of
5,000 KRW per day.
Smart contract-based application method
Forgery and tempering are
impossible through our smart
contract-based application